Dr Denis Mukwege qui porte des lunettes et souris

Support Dr Denis Mukwege - Panzi Hospital Fund to restore the dignity to women victims of sexual violence in the DRC.  

50,000 women have been treated in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  Your support provides invaluable medical assistance, psychological support and helps to restore peace in the DRC.

Rape as a weapon of war is no longer acceptable

Dr Denis Mukwege - Panzi Hospital Fund goes beyond the region of South Kivu in the DRC. It contributes to systemic change aimed at protecting the rights of women and girls. Its actions not only benefit survivors, but are also an example of sustainable action in the fight against sexual violence.

As well as providing direct aid to women, the Fund's mission is to restore peace and access to healthcare in the DRC.

To achieve its objective, the Fund mainly finances training and scholarships in the DRC and abroad for Panzi's doctors, psychologists and paralegals, as well as the necessary purchases (equipment, medical kits, medicines). 

The Fund also participates in social reintegration projects and fundraising activities.  It provides support by making its infrastructure available, such as the construction of health centers, hospitals and mobile care units.

A fund created by Dr Mukwege in 2012, managed by the King Baudouin Foundation

The fund has no legal entity, but is managed independently by a committee of which Dr Mukwege is a member. Belgian donor and some European donors benefit from a tax deduction in accordance with national legislation.

As with all funds managed by the KBF, your donations may allow you to benefit from tax deductions and fiscal advantages in accordance with the national regulations of your country of residence in Europe. For more information regarding eligible countries, please click on the following link:  Donate

Dr Denis Mukwege

Together, we can transform hate into love.

Dr Denis Mukwege

Dr Denis Mukwege. Congolese surgeon who has dedicated his life to helping women who are victims of sexual violence in the DRC.

He founded the Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, DRC, where medical care and psychological assistance are offered to victims of sexual violence.  In addition, to providing care, Dr Denis Mukwege is also a pioneer in reconstructive surgery for women who have undergone genital mutilation or other forms of sexual violence. 

He has received prestigious awards for his tireless work and invaluable contribution:

The Nobel Peace Prize (2018)

Sakharov Prize (2014)

The Chirac Foundation Prize (2011)

The KBF Africa Prize (2011)

The UN Prize for Human Rights (2008)

Dr Denis Mukwege sourit
+ 5 000
Women have benefited from our psychosocial programs.
Countries Donors have contributed to the Dr Denis Mukwege - Panzi Hospital Fund
+ 50 000
Victims of sexual violence have been treated at the Panzi hospital.
+ 2 600
Women have received vocational or literacy training.

More than 25 actions have been financed by the Fund

Donations have supported numerous projects :

Assistance for victims of sexual violence and construction of a ‘One Stop Centre’ in Kalehe.

Psychosocial care for young girls who have been raped at Panzi hospital.

Psychological support for young girls raped in the villages of South Kivu.

Support for mothers to improve agricultural and craft production, and also offer assistance to help them organize themselves into self-managed structures.

Provision of drinking water to Bulenga hospital and the surrounding population.

Support for the construction of a house for the reintegration of survivors of sexual violence in Bukavu.

Funding scholarships for specialists in gynecology and obstetrics.

Support for the ‘A roof for survivors’ project.

Scholarships for female students in technical, vocational or higher education.

Dr Kenny Raha Maroyi

Dr. Kenny Raha Maroyi, Honored Beneficiary of the Fund.

Dr Kenny Raha Maroyi

Since the creation of the Dr Denis Mukwege - Panzi Hospital Fund, donations have partly contributed to the training of doctors.

As of April 26, 2024, no fewer than 16 doctors (4 women and 12 men) have graduated in medicine or specialized in gynecology. Most of them now work at Panzi Hospital, while some are employed in other facilities.

To illustrate this, we present Dr. Kenny Raha Maroyi.

Dr. Raha, who graduated as a doctor in 2007, initially worked as a general practitioner. Thanks to a scholarship from the Fund, he began specializing in gynecology and obstetrics in 2011, aiming to assist couples.

He completed his training in 2016 and currently heads the fertility clinic at Panzi Hospital, offering reproductive health solutions throughout the DRC and neighboring countries.

His journey exemplifies the vital support provided by the Fund in training healthcare professionals and improving care in the region. Support Dr. Denis Mukwege's work in training the doctors of tomorrow who contribute to enhancing women's health in the DRC.

" Our doctor has helped us so much. He has given our lives meaning. We are so proud and grateful to him "

A smiling black woman with braids standing in front of a tree

Yvette was brought up in a close-knit family who gave her an education and provided for her needs, but everything changed the day she was brutally raped as a child.

After the attack, her once close family distanced themselves, interrupting her education and isolating her, especially when they discovered she was pregnant. When Yvette arrived at Panzi, she received medical treatment and underwent therapy for a month.  

She took part in dance therapy, karate and sports such as football, and says the experience ‘gave her back her mental strength’.

Now that she has overcome her psychological trauma, Yvette hopes to become independent and continue her studies, which were interrupted by the attack. Thanks to Panzi's socio-economic support, she received vocational training in cutting and polishing semi-precious stones.  

She discovered her passion for creating jewelry - and her passion for helping other survivors.

Une femme noire habillée en rouge qui nous regarde

Your commitment helps to improve the future of all these women.

The impact of Dr Mukwege's work goes beyond the borders of the DRC.  He has inspired the whole world to take action against sexual violence.

Un groupe de femmes en train de danser

Restoring women's dignity

We offer holistic care to women: medical, psychological, socio-economic, so that they reveal their capacity to fight for their rights and those of their children.

Un groupe de femmes en train de faire du karaté

Restaurer la paix en RDC

Dr Denis Mukwege - Panzi Hospital Fund promotes justice by fighting against impunity for perpetrators of sexual violence and by advocating for prosecutions.

Un groupe de femmes infirmières qui posent devant une photo

Improving access tohealthcare  

We offer a sanctuary of peace where women can heal and restore their lives in a safe and secure environment.

Thousands of women need your support to obtain more freedom.

Dr Denis Mukwege tout sourire et entouré de deux femmes

By supporting Dr Denis Mukwege - Panzi Hospital Fund, you are helping women recover their vital strength. You will give survivors and their community in the DRC hope again.

Dr Denis Mukwege tout sourire et entouré de deux femmes